Poems from David L. Hawkins III

A Christian poet and victim of bullying. Through my writing I hope to shine my own light through this dark world we live in.
We are living a world where injustice goes on because of our excuses,
While countries go to war and teenagers tie their nooses.
We say...
I'm screaming in my mind, I'm drowning in the sea,
I am only human and one breeze could break me,
But you are in my heart and you make me...
Don't you know that you caused this brand new me?
You helped me become so much better than I used to be.
Maybe one day I just might find...
Go ahead and throw away your hate,
Try to take my burden and I bet you'll break,
So stop using your words to kill me.
It takes a lot of...
Life's a story and we all start on page one,
You can either be hated for what you've done,
Or be the hero.
You can become a villain trying...